✈️ 你去法国旅行,看不懂菜单、又听不懂、还解释不清自己的需求,甚至容易上当受骗。
🏫 你去法国留学交换,没法和当地同学交流,即使是英文授课的项目,法国同学也总会抱团讲法语。课下,你不知道他们喜欢什么聊什么话题、现在法国最流行的歌手和电视剧,在他们的聚会上永远插不上话,get不到他们的笑点。
🏠 你为了爱情/家人移民到法国,繁琐的行政手续、打电话听不懂、免费但等不到的医生,还有不期待却躲不掉的小意外。如果把你放在一个不得不张口说法语的环境,结果就是——你没有心情享受法国美景,你无法和当地人交流,没有法国另一半的帮助,你真的寸步难行。如果你学法语,并不是为了去法国。如果你只是为了兴趣而学,或者你是外语系的大学生,有DELF考试的毕业门槛,以下困难,你遇到几条?——
✅ 我大学时主修法语,2019年高分通过DALF C2考试(母语级别)。你学法语遇到的难点,我都知道。
✅ 我20岁时来法国留学,从全法排名前10的高等商学院硕士毕业。你准备交换/留学时的不安,在法国生活和学业上的困难,我都经历过。
✅ 我现在定居在巴黎,我可以让不在法国,却又好奇法国生活的你,体会法国生活的酸甜苦辣。
✅ 我在多家法国企业工作过,法文简历和动机信,写了不知道多少篇。你对法国工作的向往和疑问,我都明白。
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About me
Hey there!I'm Chang Jade, and my Chinese name means 'fluency '— maybe that's why languages have always fascinated me. Right now, I'm proudly trilingual in Mandarin Chinese, English, and French, and I'm diving headfirst into learning Spanish and Italian. You are learning a new language solo? Been there, done that.Teaching found its way into my heart early on. Picture this: little me quizzing my parents about what I learned at kindergarten! Fast forward to 2016, I started teaching Chinese online as a side gig, which lit a teaching passion in me. Teaching my native language and sharing Chinese culture with people around the world, all while cozy at home, was simply amazing.Meeting different people every day made me yearn for broader horizons. I took a deep dive into French studies at university, going from 0 to a solid C1 level in just 18 months! With that, I came to France to pursue my studies.After obtaining my DALF C2 certification in 2019, I am teaching French online by sharing my own experience and introducing others to the beautiful French language.So, I'm here to share language learning tips, whether you're into Chinese, French, or any other language. Let's boost those language skills and make learning an absolute blast!